Anoka Halloween Festival COVID-19 Safe

Anoka, Minnesota – 100th Anniversary Halloween Festival COVID-19 Safe! – October 2020
“We are excited to announce the 100th Anoka Halloween Festival will happen,” said Liz McFarland, Anoka Halloween President. Adding, “Of course, our bigger events will look very different.”
Out of interest for public health and safety in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Anoka Halloween 100th Anniversary Festival will occur – with safety precautions.
Events scheduled include:
October 31, 11 am-3 pm, Grand Day Parade – Drive-By
This drive-by parade will be located throughout the City of Anoka. Watch our website for a map with locations, food vendors, floats, bands, and Anoka Halloween merchandise. Live coverage by QCTV streaming at
October 30, 1:15 pm, Big Parade of Little People Parade – Virtual
This virtual parade is in the works. More details announced in September.
October 30-31, House Decoration Contest – Public Viewing
Drive by local homes to view whimsical and haunted Halloween themes. Watch our website on October 29 for addresses. Please view from the safety of your car.
October 24, 1:15 pm, Children’s Pumpkin Carving – Pre-registration required
Visit our website for registration link. Limit 100 child pumpkin carvers. Masks required.
October 24, 10:00 am, Preschool Costume Contest – Pre-registration required
Visit our website for registration link. Masks required.
October 22, 6 pm, Canvas Paint Night – Virtual and at Rumriver Art – Pre-registration required Registration cost includes art supplies, special Halloween swag bag, and numbered canvas print.
October 21, 1 pm, Medallion Hunt – Virtual Clues
The clues will be distributed via the Anoka Halloween Facebook page starting October 21. Prize amount is $500.
October 19, 6:30 pm, Bingo – Drive-In
Drive-in Bingo at St. Stephens Catholic Community. Bingo sheets sold at entry. Prizes include cash and gift cards. Limit 125 cars.
October 18, 1:00 pm, Scavenger Hunt – Pre-registration required
Assemble your team for a scavenger hunt around Anoka. Visit our website for registration link.
October 17, 7:00 pm, Anoka Halloween Orange Tie Gala– Virtual
Join the fun with a watch party in your home, bid online for unique action items. This virtual Gala and auction will be feature Halloween interviews. Viewing details announced in September.
October 14, Dusk, Outdoor Movie Night – George Green Park
Bring your chair or blanket, socially distance on the lawn to view Gremlins.
October 12, 3:00-8:00 pm, Bloodmobile – Pre-registration required
Visit our website for registration link. Masks required.
October 2, Dusk, Outdoor Movie Night – Anoka Riverfront Memorial Park
Bring your chair or blanket, socially distance on the lawn to view Coco.
October 1-24, Kid Coloring Contest
Pick up your 100th Anniversary Anoka Halloween coloring sheet at Rumriver Art or the Anoka Halloween Gift Shop. Return your completed entry for judging by October 24. Winners awarded special edition Anoka Halloween 100 Year ribbon.
September 7, 10 am – 5 pm, Food Drive/Merchandise Sales
Bring your non-perishable food drive items for the ACBC Food Shelf and shop the latest Anoka Halloween merchandise. CUB Foods-Riverdale Commons location.
Other events may be added. Watch our website at for the most up to date information on the festival.
“We cannot do this festival without our fans, volunteers, sponsors, and local partners,” said McFarland. “We greatly appreciate your support and understanding should events need to change with updated COVID-19 safety measures.”
2020 Sponsors
Sponsorships still available!
Contact Terrie Schommer:
Sponsors to date include: ABC/ECM Newspapers; Aspen Exteriors; Barna, Guzy & Steffen; City of Anoka; D.B. Gibson; Destination Transport; Erberts & Gerberts Sandwich Shop; Federal Premium; Gearhart Funeral Home; Mauer Main Chevrolet; McDonalds; MidWestOne Bank; North Suburban Eye Specialists; QCTV; Xfinity.
Anoka Halloween 100 Years Anniversary Book – Available in October
This commemorative Anoka Halloween book will be available for purchase from the online store ( or the Anoka Halloween Gift Shop located at 1925 ½ Second Ave. Anoka. Watch our website and Facebook page for release date information.
Ring Those Bells!
Did you know? The original Halloween celebration in 1920 featured bells ringing all over town. Step outside on October 31 at 7:30 pm and hear the bells. Grab your own noise maker or honk the car horn to help us celebrate 100 years!
Anoka Halloween Gift Shop Open
The Anoka Halloween Gift Shop, located at 1925 ½ Second Ave. Anoka, is open September 11, 12, 25, 26 from 10 am to 5 pm. And every Friday and Saturday in October, 10 am to 5 pm. Shop online anytime at
Anoka Halloween Cancelled Events
Some events cannot be modified for COVID-19 guideline compliance and therefore are cancelled. These include the Light Up The Night Parade, Bonfire, Ambassador Coronation, Pumpkin Weigh Off, Past Royalty Luncheon, Wine and Beer Tasting.
Other Anoka Halloween Partner Events
The Anoka Halloween Festival has many community partner events not controlled by Anoka Halloween, Inc. These other organizations will be making event decisions in the coming weeks. We will keep our website updated with announcements of cancellations or modifications to these events – or links to those organizations for the most up to date information. These events include, but not limited to: Anoka All Class Reunion, Anoka Lions Tent Party, Knights of Columbus Haunted House, Anoka Women of Today Spooktacular, and others.
Follow Anoka Halloween at:
Facebook: Anoka Halloween Inc.
Instagram: @anokahalloween