An Imaginary Concert at DOWNTON ABBEY with Maria Jette and Phillip Brunelle
Step into a musical time machine with Dame Maria and Sir Philip, and travel back 100 years to the golden age of British song! Escape 2022’s cares and strife with just the sort of musical variety Lady Mary would have presented to her guests in Downton Abbey’s music room—in the modern comfort of Crooners’ Dunsmore Room.
*Britons were just getting over the hardships of the First World War and the Spanish flu…
*Russia and Russians were in the news then, too…
*Folk songs were being rescued from extinction and sung in concert and in parlors…
*Women were finally being recognized as composers, and making fortunes with their songs…
*Cole Porter and George Gershwin were learning their craft on London’s West End…
…and everyone was wondering where to find The Lost Chord!
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